About Us

Compassionate Communites Northern Ireland connects with communities and organisations. Together we work in partnership to improve the experiences of dying, death and bereavement.

The Cause


We believe that death and dying are social issues as well as a medical issue.

Sadly, many people impacted by advanced illness and frailty report feeling lonely and socially isolated.  Loneliness and social isolation negatively affects a person’s mental, emotional and physical health.  The damage to health is widely accepted to be equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

The reality is that people living with advanced illness and frailty experience a ‘social death’ long before their physical death.  Social isolation also affects their caregivers and those people living with bereavement .


Our Aim

To improve the experiences of death, dying and bereavement for everyone in Northern Ireland.




We are committed to making people more aware of the challenges that people face when dealing with death, dying and bereavement.  We aim to promote a compassionate response that will support people on their final journey and the continued journey for those they leave behind.

We also know that talking and planning for death and dying helps us to live better.  It is important to see end of life as part of life and making advance decisions about our own end of life journey.

Our Approach

Our aim is to co-design practical, social and emotional support that really matters to you.

Get in Touch

For more information on our programs and work streams

© 2024 Compassionate Communities NI