First Funeral Fair in the North West

The first ever North West Funeral fair was held on Saturday 12th November 2022 in the Guildhall.

Pulling together several elements of the funeral planning process, the fair offered attendees the opportunity to explore end of life as a part of life.

The funeral fair supported the concept of death preparedness by providing a specific focus on funeral planning as a preparatory activity as opposed to a reactionary activity (to the death of a loved one).

The funeral fair set out to achieve two goals under the projects death preparedness strand of work:

  1. To encourage people to talk about end of life and funeral planning.
  2. To encourage people to think about planning their funeral.



‘Excellent to see this taboo subject being talked about’

‘Good idea!’
‘Really helpful to help me decide what I want’ ‘Excellent’

‘Great idea, people need to think and do something about forward planning for the one thing we are all sure of’

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